Friday, May 11, 2007


My inlaws decided last night that would come to town for commencement tonight instead of tomorrow. This means unexpected house guests!! It's a good thing I started cleaning yesterday, or I would have a ton of stuff to do (especially since I slept until 9:30).

Thursday, May 10, 2007


I woke up yesterday with a sinus infection. I woke up this morning and my eyes were swollen shut. Icky ick. I did alot of nothing yesterday. This time off has been really nice. I have piano lessons to teach today, but they're both really good kids, so I'm looking forward to it. LOST last night was odd. I can't believe they killed John!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

New family...almost

Yesterday, Matt asked Karen to marry him!! I knew it was coming, and I called yesterday as the date. Yesterday was her birthday, and we were all at my parents house. It was so sweet! As soon as I figure out how to put pictures on this thing, I will put some of last night up.
The four of us and my mom finished a game of Phase 10. We went insane! We had so much fun. My Stick Karen book went over really well....she was laughing so hard she cried (ditto for Matt). I'm already taken quotes for the next installment, Stick Rachel goes Home.
I had the greatest conversation with my new friend from WT. I was up until midnight, but we had fun chatting. All in all, yesterday was a great day (I went to another town and stitched and shopped, and then went to Mama's and made a skirt). Very good day.

Monday, May 7, 2007


As of today, I am officially finished with college! I took my last two finals this morning. Then I went home and made a book for Karen entitled "The Many Adventures of Stick Karen and Friends." I took a bunch of pictures of her and my brother and me and Blair, cut our heads off, stuck them in a book, and drew stick figures under them. It's pretty funny! Then Blair and I took Murray Mermelmann for a we're all tired!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Great day!

Today I met Kristie D!!! We had so much fun. We had lunch (which was very good) and then we we ditched Blair and went to to shop for scrap stuff. We had a blast! We both got some really cute stuff. Kristie is too cute!! Rock my face off!!! Then we met back up with Blair at the mall and shopped for clothes. I decided that if Kristie and I lived any closer to each other we'd be in trouble all the time...Next time we have to scrap all day!

Friday, May 4, 2007


So, today I took two finals...I only have TWO left to take and then I'm DONE!!! And tomorrow is going to be awesome because I'm going to Memphis to meet Kristie! I can't wait. We are going to have so much fun. Right now I'm not having so much fun because I'm doing

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

New Beginnings

Yesterday was my last day of class of my college career. The time has come to grow up and be an adult. I'm not sure I really want to do that. I kept telling myself I had plenty of time to decide what to do with my life...and now I'm out of time!