Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy January!

Good Morning! And, to anyone who cares, this is my 100th post on Blogger!! As a 100th-post-on-Blogger gift, I'll send the first person to comment a set of coasters just like the ones I posted last night.

It snowed here! I know, I know, it's pathetic that we here in the south consider that snow, but to us it's very exciting! It doesn't take much more than that to cancel school around here sometimes.

You'll probably see me again later today!!


Dee Chadwick said...

Happy January to you, too! Congrats on you 100th blog!! If you'll see my 2nd post, you'll see why I've been behind...been feeling really "yuck"--a little better today, but still not up to par. Will be better before long! Love ya'll!!

Linds said...

The snow didn't melt instantly. Congratulations!

*~Annette~* said...

CUTE!!!!! I love the snow, don't you? Right now I'm freezing in Florida. How's that for irony?