Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Ridiculously Long Weekend

On Sunday afternoon, Blair and I set out to Kirksville, MO for his live audition and interview at Truman State. When we left home it was a balmy 65 degrees outside. Seven-and-a-half hours later, we were welcomed by 21 degree temps and this
SNOW!!!! So much snow! We spent the night at a very nice bed and breakfast.

Monday was Blair's audition, and I wandered around campus for a little over an hour taking in all the snow. Very nice campus, just not quite what we have in mind. It would be like moving from hot and humid Podunk to cold and icy Podunk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So...all that lovely ice and snow don't entice you to move to cold & icy Podunk? Wow! I'm surprised (not).