Sunday, November 25, 2007

The past few days

Have all been exhausting!! Between the travel and being sick I have had very little energy. I did, however spend much time over the past couple of days getting ready for an Etsy update. I have made several books, and I have alot of stationary items to post. I've taken the pictures, I just need to crop and adjust them.

I made my first felted scarf from roving today. I'm very pleased with how it turned out. I wasn't sure about the colors at first, but after the felting they really melted together really well!
(Ask me why I didn't retake this picture...I can't tell you!)
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The long picture I took of this was VERY blurry, and quite frankly, I'm too lazy to take another one, so please feel free to use your imagination!


*~Annette~* said...

It looks sooooo warm and cozy!!!! I love it! Great job!

bchadwick said...

para mi, bella senora? Mi colore?

(...I'm pretty sure I just mixed Spanish and Italian there...)