Yes, I did wear my Crocs to work today with my pin-stripes. I was very comfortable, thank you.
With the massive amounts of pouring down rain today, both outside AND in my classroom, all lesson plans were quickly abandoned. We did two rounds of Sitting Next to Me and then proceeded to sing all the winter songs from Story Hour (Sabrina would be proud) while sitting in a circle on the floor. I then played a piece of music on the piano and then went around the circle and had each child tell me what came to mind during the song. That went over about as well as extra Christmas presents...they absolutely loved it! Then I read a story to them called "Nanna Hannah's Piano" which took up enough of the left-over time so that we didn't have any down "do what-ever-you-like-run-around-crazy-hey-I'm-in-kindergarten" time. So, tomorrow, all lesson plans will be abandoned, we are all taking a piece of paper, dividing it into fourths, and drawing while listening to music. Can't stinkin' wait!
With the massive amounts of pouring down rain today, both outside AND in my classroom, all lesson plans were quickly abandoned. We did two rounds of Sitting Next to Me and then proceeded to sing all the winter songs from Story Hour (Sabrina would be proud) while sitting in a circle on the floor. I then played a piece of music on the piano and then went around the circle and had each child tell me what came to mind during the song. That went over about as well as extra Christmas presents...they absolutely loved it! Then I read a story to them called "Nanna Hannah's Piano" which took up enough of the left-over time so that we didn't have any down "do what-ever-you-like-run-around-crazy-hey-I'm-in-kindergarten" time. So, tomorrow, all lesson plans will be abandoned, we are all taking a piece of paper, dividing it into fourths, and drawing while listening to music. Can't stinkin' wait!
Are you going to get an education degree?
And I got to sub in Story Hour today. They missed you.
you love it...
Look out public education! Here she comes!
I know how much fun you had!!! I would play pieces like "Flight of the Bumblebee" and have my kids draw what they saw in their heads while listening. You should have seen some of the drawings--precious!!
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