Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Many Things that have Happened

This will probably be a very long blog. To start, my mother-in-law was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She had an appointment with her doctor at Vanderbilt Friday, so Blair and I canceled our weekend anniversary plans and left at 7 in the morning for Nashville. The DeePhil had given us directions to the clinic ahead of time, and I had entered the address into my GPS. Now, in Nashville, many of the streets have North or South as part of the street name and that N or S is very very important. Somehow, the lady giving the DeePhil the address for the clinic gave them the right street number but the wrong compass direction. We wound up on Jefferson street. For those of you who don't know, Jefferson street is the last street in Nashville you want to wind up on. Blair called his parents to figure out what went wrong and his mom told us to "Get the H**l out of Dodge." We finally made it to the clinic, and Dee is going to have surgery on the 25. They're doing a lumpectomy. We then proceeded to camp out in the DeePhil's yard for three nights, while we listened to his brother rant and rave and had several locals ask when we were going to have children. We ended the weekend in Green Hills. We went to my favorite yarn store, Wild Oats (a new favorite), and the mall.

Yesterday, I subbed in a third grade class ( I actually TAUGHT 5 subjects) and had a great time.

I have a new FO off of my needles. It's a head wrap for those of us with long hair who don't want to wear a pony tail under a hat. I used the same yarn I used for the eyelet sweater I just finished, and I have enough left, that I'm going to make some gloves.

I think that covers pretty much all of it!


bchadwick said...

hmmm...sounds like an elementary teacher to me. 5 subjects and you LOVED it?!?!?! (untied shoes, recess, and runny noses here she comes!)

Anonymous said...

Ooooops...sounds like your mil was just a bit too blunt...but she was very concerned about the part of town you all were in :0 ....folks can get shot on that street in broad daylight!!! love ya'!!! dee (mil)