Thursday, November 27, 2008


Blair and I have had a nice Thanksgiving. It's the first one we've had with it being just us. Wednesday night, we played Risk (I actually won!). I got up at 6:00 Thursday to put in the roast, but then I went back to bed and slept late. When we got up, I got right to work on lunch. Here's what we had for lunch:

Mulled Wine


A roast with carrots and potatoes


Sweet potato casserole




Cheese ball


and eventually, an apple crisp.

Not a fancy table, but since we don't have a dining table it worked.


Blair did all the dishes all day (what a sweetie).


Wednesday I went to Michael's and picked up some candles thinking I was splurging on two $9.00 candles. When I checked out, they rang up for $.89 a piece! They smell so wonderful, and really make it seem like a holiday inside.
We had a nice iChat video session with Matt, Karen, and my parents, and then spent the afternoon and evening studying, knitting, and watching football.

1 comment:

Shanna said...

What a good guy to do the dishes! Sometimes it's nice to just a quiet, uneventful holiday...when the babies come, you'll be looking back and wishing for days like this.