Saturday, August 8, 2009

Eleven-and-a-half weeks...and still sick

All day, all night. It doesn't stop or ease. But, I've read that the sicker you are, the more hormones you have, and that's good. We have a doctor's appointment Monday and our first ultrasound! We're both really looking forward to that, and I'm hoping they'll give me some different medicine for my queasiness. With school coming up, I'm a little concerned about getting through my mornings. Most of my start-of-school prep work is done, and I'm really excited about getting in there and getting started. I feel like this post is a little more discombobulated than usual, but that's pretty much how my brain is working right now. I have no way to end this, so I'm just going to say goodnight.


Kelly said...

I'm so sorry for your sickness. I was sick for the entire first half of my first pregnancy, and almost as long with the second. I took Zofran and kept preggie pops nearby all the time. It would wake me up in the middle of the night but I had a very healthy girl in the end, both times. ;) Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Your first ultrasound! That's so exciting. :D Will you post it?

Shanna said...

Keep your chin up, punkin', it doesn't last forever..aren't you glad you're not an elephant?! :/ You'd be sick for 2 years :0