Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Self-Portrait Tuesday and other musings

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I've borrowed the idea from one of the blogs I read daily to do a "self-portrait Tuesday." These are pictures of me, either old or new, that provide some insight into my world. Today's self-portrait is of me in my pj's (yes, still, at 8:20 on a Tuesday morning). I love these pj pants. They're so warm, so soft, so cozy. I slip into these as soon as possible most evenings and just enjoy being home in them.

In unrelated thoughts, I have been feeling rather crafty of late. A feeling which has been hampered, sadly, by the lack of a sewing machine. So many ideas and designs floating around my already too-cramped brain. I'm afraid I'll lose them forever to forgetfulness. I have so many lovely plans for my dear little Etsy shop. My little shop with its many admirers and compliments and no purchases. I don't quite know how to handle this seemingly failed brain-child of mine. It's hard for someone who has a do-it-yourself-and-get-it-done-right type personality to put out a project whose success is completely independent of said person's actions. The success of my little store is in the hands of others (and in my mind, a dangerous place to be, indeed!). I don't do well with failure (very few people do, I imagine). All I can do is wait patiently on that one person whose fancy is struck by my imagination...


Anonymous said...

Is that my puppy I see in this picture?

bchadwick said...

if you build it, they will come...