Cold weather calls for a hat but why wear one that you already have? I have two new hats that I finished; one a week ago and one last night. They're both made from organic cotton, so they're really cozy, and they both also have cables. The cables make the fabric thicker so it's warmer. The lighting on these isn't the best because It's cloudy here today, so use your imagination.

I currently have a brown tweed hat on my needles for Blair. It doesn't have any cables on it, but the yarn is fantastic!
Cute hats!!! I love them!!
Those are FABulous, dahling...Good thing you have several somethings to keep your head warm (especially with snow falling!). Dad said you might get up to 5 inches, according to the forecast he heard. ~ Mom
Ja! Ich liebe diesen Hut! Und das Garn!
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