Friday, July 6, 2007

I am so relaxed!

Blair and I just got back from swimming and then being in the hot tub. It was so nice. There was no one else there, so once again we had the place to ourselves. Earlier we went and played catch with Matt and Karen (I really stink at that, by the way) and then stayed and watched part of the Cardinals game. I tried to make rice balls this evening, and they turned out ok, they were just really bland. I think I'm going to do something different with them next time, like season the rice first. I really need to go to Paducah and get some seaweed to wrap them in.

I didn't do much knitting today, but I started a practice set of the slippers with some cheap yarn just to make sure they would turn out ok before I tried them with the wool. Obviously what I'm using now won't felt because its acrylic, but it's still good to practice the stitches. I only worked on my tank top a little. I didn't feel very well today. I woke up at about 2 this morning extremely dizzy...again. This happened Monday, too. I'm thinking it has something to do with the tea I drank before going to bed. It has bergamot in it, and I did some Google-ing, and it would appear that I'm allergic to bergamot. Either way, I'm not drinking it again. I'm drinking a Tazo tea I've had before, so if I wake up dizzy I'll know its something other than the tea.

So that's that.

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