Monday, July 9, 2007


Blair left at 9:30 this morning for California. He had a 2:00 flight that left at 4:30. But he got there with a safe and uneventful flight and is ready to enjoy himself.

I did my first knitted felting project today! I was so excited. It's supposed to be a bowl, but I got a little carried away and it has kinda turned into a bottle cozy. It's still cute, though.
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I started on a new bowl that I won't be making quite so tall. I still have some wool that hasn't come in yet. I'm planning on making socks with that (if its as soft as the seller claims), but first I need to get some size two double pointed needles (dpn's).

I got stuff tonight to make the yummy avocado/tofu sushi that we all liked so much. I'm thinking lunch tomorrow...I also got some yummy drink stuff that is soooooo goooooood!!!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my favorite drinks in the ever! i just wish our wal-mart still had mocha...