Thursday, July 26, 2007

Why oh why does it have to be me?

Yesterday Blair left for Cunningham to lay lanolium in his parents kitchen...he'll be gone for 5 days, leaving me, once again, alone with the boys. So last night after choir I came home and did some knitting (yay for knitting!) and refereed. Here are the rest of the evening's events in no particular order. I popped my other pinky toe out of place (and yes the other still hurts like beep!) I shot hot wax all over my face, arms, chest, and cream colored carpet (the wax was blue). I gave my carpet a haircut. I spent 15 minutes trying to get Stinky Pete to poop (that is his official name now). I went to bed after 12:30 because it took the dogs that long to calm down enough to go to bed. On a much nicer note, I got one whole leg done on my current project (actually, it's like one of three or four current projects because I have start-itis, but who's counting).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing this particular episode is related to your "About Me" description in which you "love living and learning" ?!?