Friday, July 13, 2007

Queen of the Clutzes

You've got to be kdding me. Yesterday I made it through a perfectly good day (spent with Azhar and then a spa treatment) with no injuries. Today I got to make up for it. The dogs seem to think that's it's particularly cute to play under my feet at awkward and dangerous times and places, such as the top of the stairs or as I'm trying to go out the door. Today they caught me in the door frame, or rather, they caught my foot in the door frame as I went plumeting head-first towards the fast-approaching floor. My foot, however, slowed my demise, and as it did so, my ever-so-cute little pinkey toe made contact, and I mean, REALLY made contact. As I went to grab my now aching foot, I noticed it didn't look all together any way, form, or fashion. My once cute pinkey toe was no longer pointing north. It seemed to think I needed direction in getting east, because there it was pointing off to the side. Long story short, I grabbed it, it popped back into it's normal position, but now hurts like...well, you know.

1 comment:

Lisa aka Spikesmom said...

OW!! You poor thing!! :-(