Thursday, July 5, 2007


So, I'm on a really big tea kick right now, and I've decided that I really really really need an awesome-face tea pot. I have a kettle to do the water in, but I need something pretty and fun and chic and hip to do the brewing in. Any suggestions?

I've also been knitting alot lately. I made a case for my digi camera today and started on a cotton tank top for finishing out the summer. I ordered some fabulous hand spun hand dyed wool yarn that I'm going to use for felting. I have a really cute pattern for felted slippers, and if they turn out as cute as I hope, I'm going to make a pair for all my favorite ladies, i.e. Mom and Karen and a few others maybe. Here's hoping!


Anonymous said...

If you meant them to be a surprise for just blew it!

Anonymous said...

kwachel...they have some supercool tea kettles (and possibly teapots) at — you guessed it — target! every time i walk by the tea kettle aisle i wish i wasn't too lazy to make tea...

Anonymous said...

oops...i didn't know i actually had to type in the html for this link to work...

target tea kettles